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  • 22 Jun 2019 8:40 AM | Danny Bora (Administrator)

    It’s summer and that means Convention time! And for NABA, it’s membership growth time.

    I couldn’t be happier to report that NABA continues to grow our membership, and rapidly. I’d like to extend a special welcome to more than 30 new members in this quarter alone!

    Some of the most significant growth has happened through the addition of 7 new chapters over the past 6 months. In this quarter we are proud to announce our new, official association with The Rusty Bunch, 49er, and Jersey Shore chapters. It is for the good of the hobby that NABA works to strengthen and affiliate the local chapters. That is where much of what’s special in this hobby gets started and we pledge to promote all of our chapters in this magazine, on our popular Facebook page, and on our newly revamped website:

    The Rusty Bunch have always been one of the leading organizations in our hobby in promoting knowledge, camaraderie, and of course, the thrill of the find. As they say on their Facebook page, they pursue “Old cans, trays, signs, neons, labels, bottles, foam scrapers, brewery history, dump digging...peeking into the cellars and attics of abandoned structures to reveal the treasures left behind...if you can dream it, we’ve seen it.”

    The Northern California based 49er Chapter has also joined our ranks. Established in 1974, their membership extends throughout CA and NV. This group has had some famed collectors among its membership, and today boasts many of our hobby’s West Coast leaders.

    Last but not least, we are honored to have the Jersey Shore chapter join NABA as our 31st chapter. If you’ve ever been to one of their annual costumed theme parties at a BCCA Canvention, then you know these folks know how to have a great time. They also know breweriana and are serious, dedicated, and educated collectors of artifacts created by the legendary New Jersey breweries (Ballantine, Krueger, Feigenspan, Hensler, Breidt, etc.).

    New Membership Committee

    Under NABA Board Member Mike Michalik’s leadership, we have assembled a Membership Committee of six geographically-dispersed breweriana collectors who are experienced and active in the hobby—perfect ambassadors for NABA. They are:

    • Dave Doxie – Central PA
    • Clayton Emery – Michigan
    • John Huff – Ohio
    • Robert Keasey – South Carolina
    • Stevan Miner – Minnesota
    • Matthew Olszewski – Upstate NY

    See you in Cincinnati!

    I hope by now you’ve made your reservations for our annual Convention in Cincinnati. This is going to be a blockbuster and reservations are way ahead of even last year’s record-setting pace. In fact, we had so much interest in the Bus Tour we had to add a second 55-person coach. As of this writing (mid-May) there are only 25 spaces left on the second bus. The tour includes lunch, libations, and one of the most fascinating tours of old breweries and long-forgotten lagering caves that you will ever experience. The Cincinnati Convention team, led by Beer Dave Gausepohl, has really outdone itself and the Brewmaster’s dinner on Wednesday night will also feature special treats.

    Finally, we hope you continue to enjoy your first-rate magazine, newly-expanded to 64 pages. Many thanks to all the volunteers who put the time in to make it so special. In addition to the fantastic Cincinnati articles assembled by Lee Chichester, Ken Quaas, Mike Bartels, Rob Musson, and the Convention team, we have first-time writers Brent Laswell & Charlie Staats who present a terrific look at Pearl Brewery of San Antonio, and Tom Curran & Scott Butterfield exploring Walter’s of Pueblo, CO.

    Zee you in Zincy!

    John Ferguson, President

  • 21 May 2019 10:13 PM | Danny Bora (Administrator)

    The NABA Board of Directors is thrilled to announce the formation of a membership committee comprised of some of the leading collectors and more importantly, all-around good guys in our great hobby. Many, many thanks to these NABA members for their willingness to help our club and hobby grow!

    Michael Michalik, Chairman, Frederick, MD

    Dave Doxie, Wernersville, PA

    Clayton Emery, Manton, MI

    John Huff, Temperance, MI

    Robert Keasey Jr, Mooresville, NC

    Stevan Miner, Winnebago, MN

    Matthew Olszewski, Syracuse, NY

  • 19 Mar 2019 5:08 PM | Danny Bora (Administrator)

      Greetings to all and warm wishes that this Spring issue of the Breweriana Collector magazine also delivers warm weather and sunny skies! There is lots of news to share, and here are the highlights:

    • Great local shows in a challenging winter: This winter was a rough one on the weather front and challenged me to travel to some of the great breweriana shows from my home in Indianapolis. I missed shows in Frankenmuth, MI and in northern Virginia (The Rayner Johnson Memorial Blue & Gray Show) and the Hoosier Chapter’s annual “Cabin Fever Reliever.” But as of this writing I look ahead to The Queen City Chapter’s “Luck O’ the Irish” now in Cincinnati; and the ever-growing Buckeye Chapter’s show in Toledo. Many thanks to the chapters who put on events and bring warm life to our great hobby in the frigid cold of winter.
    • Supporting local chapters: Speaking of chapters, we told you in the last issue how NABA continues to co-sponsor more local chapters around the country. We believe the local chapters are the strength of the hobby and must be supported, which we will do in this magazine, on our website, and on our Facebook page. We are proud to announce our newest partnership is with the Lone Star chapter of Texas. Thanks to the efforts of Charlie Staats and his great group, you’ll be seeing more breweriana and brewery histories in these pages from the Lone Star state. Be sure to check out the Upcoming Events in the back of this magazine (and in some of our ads) and attend as many as you can to support our great hobby.
      • 64 pages! Speaking of these pages, did you notice the hefty weight of this magazine? NABA members can now enjoy the largest and most extensive magazine in the hobby with the Breweriana Collector’s expansion to a whopping 64 pages! That’s an additional +24 pages full of breweriana and brewery history as compared to our Spring issue just three years ago. Thanks to efforts led by Vice President Ken Quaas and supported by Editor Lee Chichester and the BC staff, our issues will be filled with even more collector and brewery profiles, collector and brewery profiles, more pictures of beautiful breweriana, and greater geographical coverage.

       Congratulations to first-time authors Steve Bergquist and Tom Raub!. Want to advertise here? Just contact our Executive Secretary (and advertising manager) John Stanley, at

    • Big Convention plans: We have big plans for what will be another great annual Convention. Mark your calendars to make the pilgrimage to Cincinnati, July 31 through August 3. Beer Dave Gausepohl, Tom Waller, Scott Bristoll, Dave Reed, and others are arranging a great event, which will include an amazing bus tour of the great old breweries (and their lagering caves) of the legendary Over the Rhine District—plus the added bonus of a visit to the famed American Sign Museum. See the story with more juicy details on pg. 46. There are just 53 seats on the bus that will sell out fast, so get your registrations in early!
    • Reserve your spot: For the first time, you can sign up and pay for the Convention on our newly-revamped website: You also can fill out and mail in the form that came with this magazine. You can reserve your hotel room via the NABA website or by calling the Cincinnati Airport Marriott directly at 859- 586-0166 to get the special NABA room rate of $99 (with free parking and Wi-Fi). Many thanks go to our extraordinary webmaster, Dan Bora, for his terrific work on our website.

      Finally, a sincere thank you to all for being NABA members. We also want to extend a warm welcome to our new members. NABA is committed to supporting your breweriana expertise and collecting, and to growing our great hobby. Happy Collecting!

    John Ferguson, President

  • 20 Feb 2019 6:29 PM | George J Baley
    Progress is well under way to generate am update of the ball knob book.  
    Anyone having something to include is welcome to send me a note and participate in the project. 

    Madison brought out several hundred items to photograph.   Correspondence is coninuing from interested collectors.  

    I plan to set up the stage for photographing anything that you might bring to the Convention in Cincinnati (KY) which will about finish the project(s).

    At this point almost 1000 new additions have been added.  Thanks to all who are contributing.  If you have something not already included, send me a note/picture and I will work them into the project.

    The next edition will be broken down into about 9 categories including traditional ball knobs, Kooler-Kegs, Side Winders, Daka-Ware, Newman Glass and Aluminum, Tin Cans, Figurals and more.

    The statue book is a bit behind, as somedays I think I may be that one armed paper hanger!

    George Baley
  • 29 Nov 2018 5:23 PM | Danny Bora (Administrator)

    There are many great things happening at NABA to both help our organization grow and make it even more valuable to our members. Here are a few key examples:

    •  Expanded magazine: The winter issue of the magazine will be a bit thicker. That’s right, we’ve expanded from 48 to 56 pages and plan to soon expand again to 64 pages.  That means there will be more breweriana news, stories, profiles of our members and pictures of breweriana for you to enjoy!
    •  New Chapters: We are delighted to have added four new local chapters to our roster!  A warm welcome to all the members of the newly-formed Old Reading chapter of Reading, PA, as well as the Olde Frothingslosh chapter of Pittsburgh, the Congress chapter of Syracuse, NY and New England’s Pickwick chapter. As with all our chapters, we will promote them in the pages of this magazine, on our new website, on our Facebook page and through email “blasts” about their various shows and events. Want your event promoted?  Just reach out to Executive Secretary John Stanley at JFO
    • New Website: Please enjoy our beautiful, newly-reconstructed website. It’s packed with information on NABA and its events and is designed to provide greater value to our members. Many thanks to our terrific new webmaster, Dan Bora!
    • New NABA brochures: We have created a new membership brochure that extols the virtues of NABA and includes an application for membership. Do you need some to distribute at shows, craft beer bars, breweries or among your chapter members? If so, just contact John Stanley, per his email address above.
    • Exciting Convention Plans: Our meeting in Madison last summer was such a success…but we are looking to top it in Cincinnati from July 31 – Aug 3!  Beer Dave Gausepohl is chairing the convention and along with the help of the excellent Queen City chapter members is sure to put on an outstanding event!  Book your room online here on this website (see Convention tab) or call the Cincinnati Airport Marriott directly at 859-586-0166 and be sure to get the special NABA room rate of $99 (with free parking and Wi-Fi). 

  • 22 Nov 2018 8:31 PM | Danny Bora (Administrator)

    Hi Folks,

    I'm Dan Bora, the new webmaster dude. Some of you know me , some don'

    I've been running the Rusty Bunch Website for over 20 years, also run, Michigan Chapter, Buckeye Chapter and Eastern Great Lakes Brewery Collectibles Show pages and formerly rebuilt and ran the BCCA website.  Been Collecting since 1975, mostly Beer Cans but have a few Goebel pieces displayed. 

    I'm looking forward to helping in the NABA website rebuild and I think it's looking pretty darn good so far. Any questions or comments, feel free to comment below. (gotta be logged in to post)

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